inappropriate compliments examples

Compliments are a great way to show someone you care and appreciate them. However, there are some compliments that can be seen as inappropriate or even creepy. In this article, we’ll discuss 35 examples of creepy compliments and why they are inappropriate. We’ll also look at how to respond to these types of inappropriate comments in order to protect yourself and others from harm. By understanding what constitutes a creepy compliment and how to respond accordingly, you can help create a safe environment for everyone around you.

What are Creepy Compliments?

Creepy compliments are those that make the recipient feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or unsafe. They usually involve inappropriate comments about someone’s physical appearance, age, gender, race, etc. Inappropriate compliments can also be used to manipulate someone into doing something they don’t want to do. Some examples of creepy compliments are “Your hair smells so good, can I have a sniff?”, “You’re so well-spoken for a woman, you should be a spokesperson”, “I love your outfit, it really accentuates your curves”, “Your laugh is contagious”, etc.

What makes a compliment “creepy” can vary depending on the context and the individual’s personal boundaries, but some examples include:

  1. Comments that are too personal or intimate, such as remarking on someone’s body parts or clothing in a sexual or suggestive way
  2. Compliments that are overly effusive or exaggerated, making the recipient feel like they are being flattered for ulterior motives or without genuine interest
  3. Remarks that ignore social cues or are delivered in an inappropriate or unwelcome setting, such as at work or in a public space

Real-Life Examples of Inappropriate Compliments

inappropriate compliments examples

It’s important to note that an inappropriate compliment can vary based on cultural, social, and personal factors. However, here are 23 examples of compliments that are inappropriate in many situations:

#1. “You look amazing in that dress, I could stare at you all day.”

#2. “Your hair smells so good, can I have a sniff?”

#3. “You’re so beautiful, you could be a model.”

#4. “You have a really sexy voice, it’s a turn-on.”

#5. “You have such a great body, I bet you work out a lot.”

#6. “Your eyes are so mesmerizing, I feel like I could get lost in them.”

#7. “You’re so cute, I just want to squeeze you.”

#8. “You’re too pretty to be single, why aren’t you taken?”

#9. “I can’t believe you’re over 40, you look half your age.”

#10. “Your body is built for making babies.”

#11. “I love your outfit, it really accentuates your curves.”

#12. “You have the most perfect lips, I just want to kiss them.”

#13. “You have a great butt, have you considered modeling for a swimsuit brand?”

#14. “I can’t stop staring at your chest, your cleavage is amazing.”

#15. “You’re so hot, I can’t believe you’re with someone like me.”

#16. “I love how confident you are, it’s really sexy.”

#17. “You’re such a great cook, you could definitely take care of a husband.”

#18. “I love how you always wear skirts, your legs are just so sexy.”

#19. “You have such a unique look, I’m really into exotic women.”

#20. “You’re so much fun to be around, it’s like you’re always high on life.”

#21. “You look so pretty today, you must have a hot date tonight.”

#22. “You look great in that outfit. Have you lost weight?”

#23. “I love your perfume, it’s so sexy.”

These examples illustrate how a compliment can cross the line from being polite and complimentary to being inappropriate, objectifying, or even offensive. It’s important to be aware of the impact our words can have on others and to strive to make compliments that are respectful and appropriate.

Examples of Inappropriate Compliments at Work

Creepy compliments at work can be especially sensitive, as they may create an uncomfortable or even harassing environment. Here are some examples of inappropriate compliments that could create an uncomfortable or hostile work environment:

#1. “Wow, you’re really talented. Are you sure you’re in the right job? You should be a model.”

#2. “You’re so good-looking, I’m surprised you haven’t been promoted yet.”

#3. “You’re so smart and competent, it’s hard to believe you’re so young.”

#4. “I really like how you handle those difficult clients. It’s almost like you’re flirting with them.”

#5. “I really admire how you’re able to balance work and being a mom. You’re doing a great job.”

#6. “You’re so pretty, I’m surprised you’re not in a customer-facing role.”

#7. “You’re so good at this, I don’t know how I’d manage without you.”

#8. “You’re such a great team player. It’s like having another mom around.”

#9. “You’re such a natural leader. It’s almost like you’re a man in a woman’s body.”

#10. “You’re too smart to be working in this department.”

#11. “You’re the total package. Smart, beautiful, and easy to work with.”

#12. “You have a great sense of humor. It’s so refreshing to see that in a woman.”

These types of compliments can create an uncomfortable power dynamic in the workplace. It’s important to avoid making compliments that are sexual, discriminatory, or inappropriate in any way. Instead, compliments should be focused on someone’s skills, achievements, or contributions to the team.

How to Respond to a Creepy Compliment

Getting inappropriate and creepy compliments is disrespectful and annoying. But if you do not know how to respond to an inappropriate comment, things can go even worse. Here are some tips on how to respond to an inappropriate compliment.

Ignore Them

It’s important to remember that ignoring a creepy compliment does not mean that you are being rude or unkind. On the contrary, it is actually the most respectful way of responding to someone who has crossed boundaries and made you feel uncomfortable. By ignoring their comment, you are sending a strong message that their behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Stay Calm and Composed

While responding to an inappropriate comment, it’s important to remain in control of your emotions and not allow the person to manipulate or intimidate you.

Make It Clear That The Behavior is Not Acceptable

If you get any disrespectful comments from anyone, you can say something like, “I don’t appreciate that kind of comment. Please don’t say anything like that to me again.”

Be Assertive and Firm

When you get any inappropriate compliments, don’t apologize or back down from your position. You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

Set Boundaries

If anyone continues to make inappropriate comments at work, you may need to take further action, such as speaking to a supervisor or human resources representative.

Say “I Know”

One of the best strategies is to simply say “I know” when someone gives you a creepy compliment. This simple phrase can help take some of the power away from the person and show that you are in control of the situation. It also sends a message that their words are not welcome and you will not tolerate them. Saying “I know” when someone gives you a creepy compliment can help ensure that your boundaries are respected and that your safety is taken seriously.

Consider Your Safety

If you feel threatened or unsafe, remove yourself from the situation and seek help from a trusted colleague or authority figure.


In general, compliments should be sincere, respectful, and appropriate, and should not be based on someone’s appearance or gender. It’s important to be mindful of how our words and actions may affect others and to always respect their boundaries and consent. This article will help you to learn about inappropriate compliments and how to respond when you get some.

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